Tag Archives: wax image

Egyptian Magic and Spells

The method for Egyptian Magic is as follows:

(though this is in no way the one true form to use Egyptian Magic, as a Witch we tend to use information from various sources and do our own thing, this is from the Book ‘Egyptian Paganism for Beginners- Jocelyn Almond & Keith Seddon’)

  • First is to find an actual Egyptian event if possible- discussed in an earlier post link here: https://papyrusofani.wordpress.com/2013/11/30/egyptain-magic/   
  • Gather materials you will need, such as pen, paper, ink, incense,colored candles, Deity statue, amulets etc
  • Have the words spoken in your Rite, ready at hand
  • Cast your circle
  • Invoke your chosen Deity
  • Tell your event/story- identifying yourself with the chosen Deity involved in story.
  • Ground your energy into a talisman, amulet or wax figure
  • Leave offerings and thank Deity
  • Close circle and keep talisman, amulet or wax figure in a safe place

Here are a few examples of Events that can be used in spells.

Healing: Isis heals Horus

Defeat an enemy: This could also imply a negative habit, rather than an actual person. Horus defeats Set, or Ra defeats Apep

Calm a person or situation: Pacification of Sekhmet

Return an unfaithful lover (upg: not really sure I would want to) Isis love for Osiris despite his affair with Nephthys

Protection: Neteru protects Osiris

Relieve depression: Hathor exposes herself to Ra

Conceive a child: Isis conceives Horus

Find a lost thing: Anubis finds parts of Osiris’s body

Happy marriage: Hathor and Horus

Creativity: Khepera creates the world (depending what creation myth you prefer)